Pure Forskolin Extract for Weight Loss

What is forskolin?

Forskolin is a plant supplement derived from the root of a member of the mint family known as the Indian coleus that grows in Thailand, Nepal, and parts of India.

While forskolin has long been used in folk medicine for asthma treatment and various other ailments, it is marketed nowadays, as a weight loss supplement.

The coleus plant

Forskolin is a weight loss supplement derived from a plant. Aiding weight loss is just one of it’s medicinal properties.

The tropical coleus plant has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine, a subtype of medicine with origins on the Indian subcontinent and long incorporated into western wellness practices.

Traditionally, forskolin and the coleus plant were used to promote general health and wellness. Forskolin was also used for asthma and breathing disorders.

In its natural habitat, local people boiled the root of the coleus to make tea to drink and to promote wellness. Today, it is most popular as a weight loss supplement.

How does forskolin work in weight loss?

Theoretically, forskolin aids in weight loss by helping create enzymes called lipase and adenylate cyclase.

These two enzymes free fatty acids from the body’s cells. When the fatty acids are free, they can be burned as fuel. When the body burns fatty acids, it may reduce fat without affecting lean muscle mass.

Unfortunately, this theory does not consider that for weight loss to happen a calorie deficit must also occur. In other words, a person must burn more calories than they take in through food and drink. If this fails to happen, a person will not lose weight.

So, while forskolin may raise fat burning capabilities, this is irrelevant without a nutritious diet and exercise to support the calorie deficit.

Benefits of Forskolin Supplements

The Indian coleus plant (which contains Forskolin) has been a part of traditional herbal medicine for centuries.

It has been used to treat conditions such as heart disease, asthma, bronchitis and constipation.

In humans, forskolin supplements may also:

  • Widen the air passages in the lungs, helping to relieve asthma.
  • Increase bone mineral density, lowering the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Stimulate testosterone formation, promoting the maintenance of muscle mass

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